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  • Mots-clés: ECKMANN
Abstract : In the content of smooth folding mappings we show bounded return time renormalization is topologically hyperbolic and find the stable and unstable manifolds. The main consequence is the asymptotic geometric rigidity of the Cantor sets…
Abstract : We discuss the possibility that, besides periodic and quasiperiodic crystals, there exist turbulent crystals as thermodynamic equilibrium states at non-zero temperature. Turbulent crystals would not be invariant under translation, but…
Abstract : We prove the existence of fixed points of p-tupling renormalization operators for interval and circle mappings having a critical point of arbitrary real degree r > 1. Some properties of the resulting maps are studied: analyticity,…
Abstract : We begin a study of normal form theorems for parabolic partial differential equations. We show that despite the presence of resonances one can construct a partial normal form for perturbations of the Ginzburg-Landau equation. The normal…
Abstract : This extended version of lectures given at eht NATO advanced Study Institute on Non-Linear Evolution and Chaotic Phenomena held in June 1987 in Noto (Italy), and directed by G. Gallovotti, A. M. Anile and P. Zweifel, will appear in the…
Abstract : In the theory of circle maps with golden ratio rotation number formulated by Feigenbaum, Kadanoff, and Shenker [FKS], and by Ostlund, Rand, Sethna, and Siggia [ORSS], a central role is played by fixed points of a certain composition…
Abstract : A new proof of the existence of analytic, unimodal soutions of the Cvitanovic-Feigenbaum functional equation ?g (x) = -g(g-?x)), g(x) ? 1-const. |x| r at 0, walid for all ? in (0,1), is given, and the existence of the Eckmann-Wittwer…
Astract : Letz?f?(z) be a complex holomorphic function depending holomorphically on the complex parameter ?. If, for ?=0, a critical point off0 falls after a finite number of steps onto an unstable fixed point off0, then, in the parameter space, near…
Abstract : We give a proof of the existence of aC2, even solution of Feigenbaum's functional equation
g(x)=???10g(g(??0x)),g(0) = 1,
whereg is a map of [?1, 1] into itself. It extends to a real analytic function over ?.
Abstract : We show that in the ?{2/4} theory, the physical mass and the two-body S-matrix are Borel summable in the coupling constant ? at ?=0.
Abstract : It is shown that every system of time-ordered products for a local field theory determines a related system of Schwinger functions possessing an extended form of Osterwalder-Schrader positivity and that the converse is true provided…

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