Parcourir les contenus (1 total) Tout parcourir Recherche de contenus Mots-clés: HALZEN Trier par :TitreCréateurDate d'ajout Constraints on spin rotation parameters due to isospin conservation Abstract : We made a complete study of the relations between the three cross sections and the three sets of spin rotation parameters P, A, R for three reactions related by internal symmetry via two channels. Mots-clés: 1971, CLEBSCH, DASS, DONCEL, EN, FROYLAND, GODAN, HALZEN, KAMEI, KORKEA-HAO, MARTIN, MICHAEL, MICHEL, MINNAERT, PAULI, PHILLIPS, PHYSIQUE NUCLEAIRE, PREPUBLICATION, ROY, SASAKI, SPIN, SPIN ISOBARIQUE, TORNQVIST Formats de sortie atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-json, omeka-xml, rss2