Prépublications de l'IHES Retrouvez les travaux de recherche des professeurs de l'Institut entre 1958 et 2002 1963-2002 Contenus dans la collection Prépublications de l'IHES Tout parcourir Recherche de contenus Trier par :TitreCréateurDate d'ajout Riemannian geometry during the second half of the twentieth century Encounter with a geometer Peut-on définir la géométrie aujourd’hui ? Distances between normed spaces, their subspaces and quotient spaces On High dimensional maximal functions associated to convex bodies Dichotomie du cotype pour les espaces invariants. Analyse harmonique Sections euclidiennes et volume des corps symétriques convexes dans Rn On the Similarity problem for polynomially bounded operators on Hilbert space Subspaces of LN?, arithmetical diameter and Sidon sets On Mahler’s conjecture on the volume of a convex symmetric body and its polar On the Spherical maximal function in the plane. Prelimenary Estimations de certaines fonctions maximales. Analyse harmonique A Szemeredi type theorem for sets of positive density in Rk On the Lp-bounds for maximal functions associated to convex bodies in Rn Averages in the plane over convex curves and maximal operators On the Hausdorff dimension of harmonic measure in higher dimension New Volume ratio properties for convex symmetric bodies in Rn Some Recent discoveries related to high dimensional convex symmetric bodies Sur l’Approximation de zonoïdes par des zonotôpes. Note On Sets of recurrence A Remark on the uncertainty principle for Hilbertian basis Approximation of zonoids by zonotopes A Nonlinear version of Roth’s theorem for sets of positive density in the real line On Arithmetic progressions in sums of sets of integers On the Maximal ergodic theorem for certain subsets of the integers On Pointwise ergodic theorems for arithmetic sets On Finite dimensional homogeneous Banach spaces A Remark on the maximal function associated to an analytic vector field On the Pointwise ergodic theorem on Lp for arithmetic sets Approximation on zonoids by zonotopes An Approach to pointwise ergodic theorems The Banach-Mazur distance to the cube and the Dvoretsky-Rogers factorization Almost sure convergence and bounded entropy Nouveaux résultats sur les zonoïdes et les corps de projection (Géométrie) Projection bodies Temps de retour pour les système dynamiques (Théorie ergodique) Minkowski sums and symmetrizations Return-times of dynamical systems Bounded orthogonal systems and the lambda(p)-set problem Pointwise ergodic theorems for arithmetic sets with an appendix on return-times sequences