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Abstract : We treat here the case of all irreps (irreducible representations) on the reals of the 32 point groups. For each point group these irreps are irreps with wave vector k = 0 of the corresponding space groups. Landau model of second order…
Abstract : In the context of smooth folding mappings we verifie certain conjecture by showing bounded return time renormalization is topologically hyperbolic and find the stable and unstable manifolds. The main consequence is the asymptotic geometric…
René Thom [T] conjectured that a gradient curve x(t) of an analytic function on Rn, wich descends to the critical point x(?) = 0 ? Rn, called a path, has there a tangent. We prove this in case n = 3 for standard paths and standard functions.
Abstract : We make a general study of symmetry and stability of the fixed points of the quartic Hamiltonian
of an n-component field (or order parameter} for n&4. Simple proofs of known results are given.
Among new results, we shou that when it…
Résumé : La représentation du groupe d'espcace GK d'un vecteur d'onde k est le produit tensoriel de la représentation vectorielle du groupe ponctuel Pk de k et d'une représentation induite donnée explicitement.
L'utilisation du théorème de…
Abstract. 2014 All finite as well as infinite (matrix) point subgroups of full orthogonal groups in two and three dimensions
are considered. For each point group a polynomial integrity basis for invariants and the basic polynomial vector fields are…

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